April 18, 2024
Hubungi Kami: +62-81340403034



Following last year’s APTEKINDO’s theme “Revitalization of Technical and Vocational Education to Face Industrial Revolution 4.0”, the PAPTEKINDO International Conference and Convention 2020 brings up “Strengthening of Technology and Vocational Competency on Industrial Revolution 4.0 Towards Society 5.0” as its theme. The main purposes of the conference are (1) to bring together the scientists, engineers, researchers and practitioners, students, and civil society organization representatives in the scientific forum; and (2) to share and to discuss theoretical and practical knowledge about vocational education, innovation in applied science and engineering.


  • Thiar sitorus

    selamat malam, ijin bertanya apakah mahasiswa boleh ikut turut berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan conference ini maupun dalam pembuatan papernya?? mohon untuk jawabannya, terimakasih..

    • fatek

      Boleh. Untuk detail kegiatan bisa langsung pada website resminya.

    • Admin OK

      Boleh. Silahkan mendaftar. Untk kegiatan di-reschedule.

  • Audy Kenap

    Apakah batas pengiriman paper dan pelaksanaan tidak di jadwal ulang karena pandemi?
    t. kasih

    • Admin OK

      Di-reschedule Pak Audy. Bisa hubungi Panitia langsung